2018 was quite the year for us here at 72Point. We added fresh faces to our team, got our San Diego office up and running and we had our best year to date, working with America’s leading brands to achieve top-tier earned editorial news coverage. Careful, grab your oven mitts, because we are indeed on fire!

Now with 2019 underway, we wanted to take a look back at our most well-received pieces of coverage. From how your bed making habits affect your personality to planning the perfect day, we delivered a variety of interesting stories that hit the newswire and made an impact on readers across the country. Here’s our 2018 Top Coverage Hit List!

  1. GoDaddy – Internet Children

    (127 pieces of coverage, 6.2M Coverage Views)

  2. Jenny Craig – Love Weight

    (118 pieces of coverage, 6.08M Coverage Views)

  3. Slickdeals – Frugal Dates

    (116 pieces of coverage, 3.49M Coverage Views)

  4. 9Round Fitness – Coping with Stress

    (114 pieces of coverage, 6.82M Coverage Views)

  5. U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council – The Perfect Day

    (109 pieces of coverage, 6.53M Coverage Views)

  6. Sleepopolis – Bed Makers vs. Non-Bed Makers

    (102 pieces of coverage, 6.16M Coverage Views)

  7. Crispy Green – Secret Snacking 

    (101 pieces of coverage, 5.44M Coverage Views)

  8. – First Timers

    (96 pieces of coverage, 6.14M Coverage Views)

  9. H&R Block – Millennial Taxes

    (87 pieces of coverage, 6.06M Coverage Views)

  10. Groupon – Valentine’s Day

    (84 pieces of coverage, 4.98M Coverage Views)

Cheers to an amazing year and a big thank you to all of the brands and agencies that allowed us to elevate their exposure in publications such as – New York Post, the Today Show, CNBC, Yahoo!, Good Morning America and more! We’re looking forward to firing at all cylinders in 2019!