We partnered with Crumbl Cookies to look at Americans’ favorite sweet treats – and how tastes differ from state to state.



Following the success of Crumbl Cookies’ earned media campaign for National Cookie Day in 2022, the brand wanted to conduct similar research a year later, but this time taking a look at how tastes differ state-by-state.

As part of the campaign, we polled 5,000 Americans evenly split 100 per state. Our research revealed that people from Tennessee are most likely to eat dessert every day, followed by those from Colorado, Louisiana and North Carolina.

We also found that the majority of people surveyed consider themselves to be a “dessert person” — 74% of all respondents. And especially those from Washington (83%) and Iowa (81%).

Other fun stats we were able to pull from the results included the fact that Americans’ most-eaten desserts are ice cream, cookies and chocolate. And the average American estimates they eat just under 200 cookies a year.

As for America’s favorite cookie? Chocolate chip came out top again for the second year running with 62% of the vote.


The campaign included a state-by-state poll, branded infographic and animated infographic, media-ready news story and distribution.

The data-driven story achieved over 230 pieces of online coverage and 5 broadcast hits. Estimated views of the story topped 9 million, and we secured 173 links from coverage to the Crumbl Cookies site.

Coverage Highlights

  1. New York Post

  2. Independent en Español

  3. CBS Mornings

  4. South Florida Reporter

Take a look at more earned media coverage our survey stories have secured for food brands.

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