Our study for non-profit organization Life Happens revealed the COVID-19 pandemic has sparked more honest conversations about finances in American households. And it’s changing people’s approach to money.



We asked 2,000 Americans about their finances in light of the coronavirus outbreak and how it has impacted their families’ communication.

The survey revealed that 26 percent have chatted about future emergency plans as a result of COVID-19. A quarter of respondents also said the coronavirus pandemic has sparked more conversations in their households around their end-of-life plans.

67 percent of those surveyed said this crisis has been a wake-up call for them to reevaluate their finances. Forty-three percent of respondents also shared they’ve reevaluated their retirement and now plan to keep working and delay their planned retirement date.


An important topic for so many Americans, the news story secured 341 pieces of coverage. The depth of the research resulted in a number of different headlines running across national and regional media, and 27 articles linked directly to the Life Happens website.

Coverage Highlights:

  1. Forbes

  2. The Motley Fool

  3. New York Post

  4. Fox Business

  5. Ladders

  6. Yahoo Lifestyle!

See more earned media coverage of financial stories, and other research-led news stories around the topic of coronavirus and its impact on American lives.

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